Hey ladies, it just dawned on me that i never posted these layouts. Its not very often I get to do layouts, so you would've thought i would be excited about announcing them. Lol. I must have been to busy. I made these layouts with the freebies on my blog that will be available through the end of the month if you havent had your chance to pick them up. :o)

I just love this layout. so unique for me. and it really helped me in designing this freebie. Such fun. You can find it here at

I absolutely love SEA OTTERS! they are so cute and adorable, and fuzzy, and i just want to squeeze them. Though I'm sure they wouldnt like it to much. Lol. So I was really excited when I got the opportunity to take a picture of one with out having windows or fences in the way. Isnt he/she just adorable? You can find this one at
Thanks for looking ladies!